onsdag den 24. oktober 2007

The Danish Welfare System by Eva Aastrup

The Danish welfare system

The Danish people has chosen that the health service and school system is free. The expenditures are financed by the tax system.
By : Eva Aastrup _____________________
If one should describe the Danish welfare state, most people would mention the high standard of living, a high degree of social security and a minor difference between rich and poor compared to other countries.

The idea of the Danish welfare system is that all citizens have the possibility to use the social benefits no matter which social background or social past they have behind them.

All these benefits are possible because they are paid though the high taxes. The Danes have chosen this solution in return to that we have a high tax.

However, many people fancy lower taxes, some think it is a barrier that results in lesser urge to work long hours.


Danish children can go to kindergarten and day nursery for free and after that they can go to elementary school, this is also free of charge.
You are not obliged to go to the basic school, but you have to receive tuition from you are seven years old.
87 % of all Danish children choose to go to public school.
12 % choose to go to private schools where you have to pay for the tuition. And 1 % choose to be taught at home.

It is also possible to go to international school, in the international school all lessons are in English, French or German.


In Denmark it is possible to go to the hospital for free. There also some private hospitals, but they are not for free. Some hospitals have a very long waiting list for treatment.

Transport, nature and culture

We don’t have any motorway payment, the authorities maintain most of the streets and the pavements. The authorities also maintain most of the parks, beaches and forests.

The Danish state subsidizes most museums and libraries. At the libraries you can borrow films, books and music for free.


The Danish welfare system gives priority to taking care of the weakest people. A good example is the care of the old people. All old-age-pensioners are entitled to retirement pension from the state, i.e. at least app. 5,000 Danish kr a month.

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